Beyond green buildings: integrating social aspects into ESG practices

As numerous companies actively pursue sustainability goals to reduce their carbon footprint and enhance the well-being of building occupants, certifications from widely recognized standards such as the UK-developed BREEAM, U.S-led LEED, or Australia-born Green Star, alongside more specialized programs like AirRated, are experiencing heightened demand. Traditionally concentrated on environmental concerns, these certifications are undergoing a […]


The perfect fit

ESG: An operational shift for real estate companies

In an era where sustainability is not merely a buzzword but a strategic imperative, real estate companies find themselves at the forefront of operational change. Integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors has transitioned from a trend to a pivotal aspect of success for companies seeking long-term resilience and value creation. In this blog, Deepki […]

6 reasons why building archetype clustering can level up your ESG strategy

Buildings and constructions account for a substantial portion of global energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Indeed, globally, buildings and structures are responsible for 36% of the final energy use and 39% of the energy-related CO2 emissions. Therefore lowering the energy consumption in this sector is a crucial component for achieving a sustainable energy transition. […]

Green Premium

General definition of Green Premium Green Premium refers to the additional costs of a sustainable strategy in terms of green energy compared to the use of standard tools and methods that are not sustainable. It refers to the dilemma of being net zero while performing activities. Green Premia allow real estate players to measure how […]

What you should know about the UK Sustainability Disclosure Requirements

The dynamic nature of the UK and EU regulatory landscape poses real challenges for UK real estate actors. Understanding the implications of these key developments is essential to avoid getting lost in a regulatory maze. In this blog, we look at the latest updates that are keeping everyone busy, from UK policymakers, to  the wider […]

10 ways in which sustainable finance impacts the real estate sector

Sustainable finance is here to stay Sustainable finance encompasses various financial activities and practices considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. It includes investment, lending, borrowing, insurance, and other financial services. The primary goal of sustainable finance is to align financial decisions with sustainable and responsible outcomes. For instance, banks offering loans to eco-friendly projects […]

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

First revised in 2010, the Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD) was revised again in 2018. The goal was then to accelerate the cost-effective renovation of existing buildings and promote intelligent technologies. On March 14th, 2023, the European Parliament adopted with a large majority a new revision of the directive, proposed in 2021 by the Commission.  […]

ESG compliance in real estate

Being one of the main drivers in developing ESG standards within the real estate sector, regulatory compliance is a severe challenge as much as an opportunity As new ESG and sustainability disclosure standards take effect around the world, real estate investors are already facing the complexity and potential challenges of adjusting to new regulations. At […]

Deepki’s guide towards a common definition of a building’s carbon footprint

Given the increased collective awareness of climate change issues over the past decades, institutions, companies, and collectives have been encouraged to monitor their greenhouse gas emissions to reduce them. ESG disclosure standards are pressuring them to respond and adapt, while several methodologies have emerged to guide organizations in this exercise. The GHG Protocol is now […]