An ESG index for the real estate industry that arrives just in time

A lot of action plans have been orchestrated to fulfill the commitment the EU made to become the first continent to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. The goal of reducing greenhouse gasses and energy consumption altogether means that major real estate players must face the challenges by adopting clear strategies and action plans. The time […]

La Française REM centralizes & monitors the energy consumption of its European portfolio with Deepki

La Française chose Deepki to centralize and monitor the energy consumption of its portfolio at a European scale.

Climate risk challenges on the rise: considerations to evaluate your resilience level

Extreme weather events and other climate hazards are increasing in frequency and severity across Europe. There has been an unprecedented rise in temperatures since the 1990s. 2020 was even the warmest year on record in Europe. In 2021, heavy rainfall caused widespread flooding and landslides in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany, sometimes leading to people’s […]

The Evolution of ESG Regulation in Real Estate

A collaboration between Clémentine Tanguy and Maya Fink The History of Climate Awareness To understand the future of ESG means to understand what motivated the assumption of these protocols in the first place. Before the 1960s, there wasn’t much attention paid to the way human actions were impacting the environment. However, the 1972 United Nations […]

Energy savings

Energy savings: Definition Efforts are made to control energy consumption; specifically to protect non-renewable natural resources such as oil, gas, coal, and wood. Energy saving became a major issue at the end of the 20th century when two important observations were made: fossil energy sources are not renewable on a human time scale, and the […]

Energy Management

Energy Management Energy management involves the planning and operation of energy production and consumption units. This function is carried out by energy managers whose main task is to reduce the energy bill of their company or client. Main objectives of energy management Data & Energy Management  Existing data may be very useful in the context […]

Energy management: how to reduce your consumption of building lighting

Inside lighting is one of the most energy-intensive parts of building operation. Visible and directly linked to the well-being of the users, this represents a large potential for energy savings. Indeed, lighting control is one of the easiest ways to make substantial energy savings for a relatively small investment and is one of the most […]


Due to the enormous rise in greenhouse gas emissions, the low energy efficiency of the real estate sector, and the insufficient renovation rate of existing buildings, the European Union has set itself the challenge of decarbonizing the building sector by 2050. Faced with ever-more stringent environmental regulations and growing market expectations, Member States must drastically […]

The next major topics within the EU taxonomy: biodiversity, waste, water, and pollution

Europe will not meet its climate goals and 2030 / 2050 targets unless financial investments are directed toward sustainable projects and activities. The EU’s Taxonomy Regulation is expected to construct a common language to support the energy transition and help redirect capital flows to renewables and green assets. The first two objectives – climate change […]

Rising energy costs in Europe: what’s the impact on real estate actors? 

We’re in a tough spot Due to the unfortunate combination of the Russian war in Ukraine and the extreme weather that Europe has been exposed to during this summer, energy prices are climbing. One obvious answer to this new paradigm is the EU’s strategy based on energy sobriety. But the situation still raises the question: […]